Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why couldn't Snow White be with Cinderella?

The most beautiful things in life are the unexplainable things. Words are just words, created to express what the mind is thinking and to utter what is needed to say. Every human being needs words to be heard and be understood. But words are not enough to capture the entity of the feelings, on love, on how it could break rules, shake boundaries, and how it had to believed to be shameful because it could choose another path.., the path that people take because of the fear to be judged wrongly and be cast out because you are not going to" fit in" in a crowd. A girl who is smitten with a girl, and both love each other. What's wrong with the picture? Age doesn't matter so why not "gender doesn't matter"?
We already got the idea that it's not the typical boy-girl relationship. Is there anything wrong to go beyond what is usual? A lot of great minds have discovered, proven or made something huge because of  having the guts to go beyond.
We know that such union can't procreate. Why bother  when the country is already overpopulated? We might as well think that we've already heard all kinds of criticism and curse for being like this.., for being who we are. I couldn't help wonder why for all we did is to love and wanting be love back in return. Is it because we chose to be against man's definition of what is right and wrong? Do you think we've wanted to be like this? Do you think it's not difficult to see our traditional parents being disappointed of what we become? If only wee could choose whom to love, if only we could be like anyone else living the easy life, then I would trade places. But that could be the biggest betrayal I could do to myself. It would be like denying my existence and be happy for once. It would like be living in a closet and just hearing your own breath because the world is utterly quite.
To be tag as "homo"is not a picnic under a mango tree. It was like reaching for the mango fruit in a high tree using nothing and not knowing how to climb.
What other people say, I don't really give a damn because love is never based on sexuality. It was never based on anything except to God. The sad truth is that there will always be that stigma that discriminates. I believe that we fear what we don't understand. Deletion of ignorance is an important aspect of acceptance.
This is for everybody because all the people long to be understood and accepted no matter how unpopular, different and mediocre they may be.
In this day and age, the world is chaotic and lead to misunderstandings because nobody seems to take time in opening their minds. Maybe because of the fast pace of our living today, that they don't spare a little time to ponder on things that needs their concern but instead they just criticize, criticize, and criticize.
So, let's not hate Snow White for not waiting for her prince charming anymore, not because she left her glass slippers and Cinderella  found it but because we found love to the most mysterious and peculiar definition of it.
Many eyebrows were raised as they read this but I trust you that you'll have a pretty good head over your shoulders, so use it well.

   KIST '07

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Is It Not?

Men always says they're in love..,but does words enough to keep the relationship last?
It is not.
Most of the time, actions speak louder than words. A cliche it may be but definitely true.
A simple gesture done by man would melt a woman's heart.
Remember, being romantic is one of the keys to keep the passion burning.
Exerting some effort wouldn't be so hard if you do it for what we so called "love".
When you stay next to your woman, she stays connected to you, but if your apart, she tends to find new one that could make her feel great,secure, respected and happy.
So, if you want your woman to hold on to you..,tickle her heart even in the simplest, romantic, and sincere way that you can.
A Malaysian woman once said, " A woman will take the best care of you, only if you give her everything that you have."


Monday, January 17, 2011

I Choose Lasting Friendship Over Stupid Love

Friendship is a quiet walk in the park with the one you trust.
     Love is when you feel like you are the only two around.
Friendship is when they gaze into your eyes and you know they care.
     Love is when they gaze into your eyes and it warms your heart.
Friendship is being close even when you are far apart.
     Love is when you can still feel their hand on your heart
     when they are not near.
Friendship is hoping that they experience the very best.
     Love is when you bring them the very best.
Friendship occupies your mind.
     Love occupies your soul.
Friendship is knowing that you will always try to be there
     when in need.
     Love is when you will give up everything to be at their side.
Friendship is a warm smile in the winter.
     Love is a warming touch that sends a pulse through your heart.
Friendship is a beautiful smile to which nothing compares:
     A tender laugh, which opens your heart,
     A single touch that melts away your fears,
     A smell that reminds you of the tenderness of heaven,
     A voice that reminds you of the innocence of youth.
Friendship can survive without love.
     Love cannot live without friendship.

His friendship means a lot to me,
Although we never had much anything else.
Now I see why God doesn't answer all prayers,
Because some things are left better untouched.