Monday, September 27, 2010


Has it ever happen to you that you really got hooked to a t.v show? That you have to stay up all night and never sleep for almost 24 hrs.just to finish a season? That you wished that you could be a part of it? And told yourself," That's the world I wanted to live."? I guess it happened to me. I was really attached to a show that I could hardly decipher fiction from reality. If I were to choose between the two worlds, I would probably drop the latter. I was smitten by the characters...all of them. That even in my everyday living, I always dream and think about them. I know it's stupid but doing so makes me happy and satisfied somehow. Weird isn't it?

I am really so into the show and the cast. Maybe because,somehow I can relate to the story, not in some obvious way but it just makes me feel home. It teaches me how to be who I am. That I should accept myself first before expecting others to accept me. It's kinda hard and deals with a lot of fuck ups but the show taught me that even if everything is pretty messed up, having yourself and with the help of some few souls who truly cares about you, things will fall into their right places.

The shows portrays a different kind of life. A life beyond my boarders. A lifestyle that I wanted to have long before. It's hard for me to dwell the way they live due to many aspects that I couldn't help but to abide. It feels like I'm living my life in a tiny box. But because of this amazing show, it gives a hole into that box that lets me see a different kind of world. A world that I wanted to be part of. But I guess I am destined to be where I am now, for God knows that in here I can be the best that I can be. It may not look like it is but everything has a purpose.

The shows ending was not the one I expected it to be. I was frustrated at first but as I look beyond my eyes, I fully understand what the writer wanted to implicate on the finale. It may not be the best ending but it justifies the whole series of the show. A good way to end such magnificent creation.

As it comes to an end, it doesn't stop there, because the lessons and the values being showed will linger in the heart and minds of the viewers. It serves as a mind opener to what is really going on in our so called society. Though it was quite complex but fun thing is never out of the line.

Hoping that someday, I might as well have another opportunity to watch such craft that no perfect adjective can describe. It takes a lot of balls to make another one but with people like the ones who made the show, that would be far from impossible.

I think I should stop myself from this show fever and get back to reality. It may not be as good as in the show, but reality is reality. I'm just lucky I had a twist of fantasy, because the show was my fantasy came alive. But as what they said, no matter how great your fantasies and dreams are, you always have to wake up from your untold reality.

TLW rocks my world!
Out and Proud!

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