Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Night Escapade

It was a rainy dusk when boredom struck me at my weakest moment. I grabbed my phone and text-ed my best buddy ever. I invited him for a movie-watch and surprisingly, he agreed. Why a surprise? Because he just arrived home from a tiresome duty.

We watched the Shutter Island. It was a mind bugging movie. Full of twists and turns. You think you already predicted the movie's plot on the first half but you're definitely wrong. If you're scared enough, it would be better not to watch it alone or else, you'll cry your heart out! But after all, it was just a damn freaking movie. But I guess the movie really struck my buddy. It has a different impact on him, to the point that he shed tears. WTF! So gay! I thought I'll go out from the cinema carrying a psychiatric patient. Damn. I'm not good in therapeutic communication.

Before we had called it a night, we walked to a doughnut shop to hit some cup of coffee and have a li'l chit chat. There's nothing more nice and cozy to have a cup in the middle of the night and having sensible talk with a touch of foolishness with someone whom you can share all your thoughts about everything, even the dirtiest ones, without having that awkward feeling. I am so grateful to have someone like that.

It was past midnight when we strolled in the city. Passing every empty streets,witnessing the true beauty of the metropolis. It was spectacular. During the day, its beauty is overpowered by the busy streets, the people, vehicles moving to and fro, but at night, the city lights give life to the town. Just like a refined lady wearing her dazzling jewels that makes her elegant. We saw some activities which was during the day, as if it never existed. There's more to life at night.

As we walked, dreams and aspirations were built. Though it may sound unrealistic but we've learned that night that nothing is impossible with a heart that's brave. We choose the road less traveled. For in this road, possibilities are rich, hand in hand with the life's risks.

Our instinct told us that it would be safe for us if we could be in a place than in an open street. We were not that scarred that something may happen but for some unselfish reason, we opted to settle in a cafe. We surfed the net, chatted some of our nocturnal friends and we also had an opportunity to reconnect with our friends overseas whose in a 16 hr.-delay time zone. The fun thing is that, we had a sneak peak of some sites and videos which are not allowed to be viewed during the daylight. Quit fun!

After several hours of battling against the monitor, our stomach protested. We then, searched for a place to eat. We found the best place who serves a mouth watering lomi in town. The soap awakens our groggy soul. While devouring our food, an idea rose to my fickle mind, "Why don't we chase a sunrise?" Stupid eh?

Plan A: We'll go somewhere preferably Cdo.direction where we can witness the sunrise. Then have our breakfast at a seafood restaurant beside the beach.
Plan B: If it's still early for the sunrise or if the weather is not cooperating with us, we'll go towards Cdo.,check in to some cheap motel, have a good sleep then go malling all day.
Plan C: Head towards the shore near the vicinity of our city and watch as the magnificent sun rises.

None of our plans worked out. The weather was not good. It was impossible for us to see a perfect sunrise. Even if we'll go to the next 2 cities, it will be a waste of time,money and effort. We were already exhausted to perform a dumb act. My pal is almost 24 hrs.awake.

So, dis hearted me, we decided to end up our journey. My buddy walked me home. We had already walked 10 miles by foot. "Alay Lakad". As we trekked, we took some pictures of us taken in a different angle so that it wouldn't look like we are still in the city's premise. We did it on purpose. It will served as a proof that we had a very strange "trip",' coz we were so fucking high.

As we ambled towards my loft, we noticed that Mr. Sun is trying to shine his rays against the thick clouds. Too bad, we walk in an opposite direction. Instead of chasing sunrise, we actually walk away from it. "Sorry if we unintentionally turned our back on you Mr. Sun".

It was one heck of an adventure. A journey that can hardly be forgotten. It may look like stupid but it was worth the hike. The people, the scenes, the foods, the stuffs, the experience.....it was damn great! We are so lucky that we've been given a chance to savors God's gift. It was quit a trip.

A bunch of thanks to you! (A soul whom I have deep affinity with)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for my grammatical errors. It was actually QUITE than QUIT. =)
